a model dog Pluto, by means of Editable Poly in 3D Studio Max.
At this stage we need to locate a point as to indicate the general shape of the head (base unit). It is convenient to use orthogonal views - because they, unlike the bulk of species, we see the true state of each point, and already known to you the tools Select and Move ,Select and Rotate Select and Uniform Scale.
At this stage, the first problems may arise. Let's
say you are missing a number of points to make the bend in a certain area of
the grid.To do this, we can create in this place an additional section, using
the tool Slice Plane (section plane) from the scroll Edit
Part II: Creating three-dimensional
Consider the basic steps of creating a simple
Poly-model. Let's try to model Pluto the dog from the animated series
(Adventures of Mickey Mouse). And how it will look finished model:
In Fig. An example of a model
of Pluto.
Step 1: Drawings and sketches, the
order of
First of all, we need a regular flat sketch or a
picture of our little dog. It can be painted or printed on paper or in digital
form to be on the computer. In this picture we rely in the simulation. It
must be sufficiently detailed and correctly reflect the shape of the object
In Fig. A sketch of Pluto.
Before you begin, always useful to understand
the form, making a few sketches or examined several images from different
angles. Here we are the best fit simple clear images, since it is easier
to understand the shape of the object. It is very convenient to use, for
example, linear images
are not painted.
Fig. 2 Sample images of Pluto
Now let's define the order of work. In
the simplest case (such as ours) modeling should be done from general to
specific, ie the first thing we need to define the overall shape of our
object, and then gradually to complicate it by adding details.
Even the overall shape of the head of Pluto is
quite complex in terms of three-dimensional graphics. Therefore, our
object should be split into simpler parts. Let's create the first direct's
head, and then move on to the upper and lower jaws and neck
In Fig. 3 to partition the
elements of design.
Step 2: Primitives and Segments
Further, it is important to
understand that net modeling is to edit an existing geometry, therefore,
we need it the most finished geometry - primitive.
Starting directly from the
simulation is the selection and creation of the primitive. This
choice is due to what, ultimately, seeks a form of the object.
In Fig. A coliseum.
Usually, the simplified modeling can
be summarized form the majority of the objects so as to reduce it to one of the
primitives. Most often, the most appropriate to start with would be
Boxing, cylinder or sphere, although professional trehmerschiki start with a
polygon (primitive Plane).
In Fig. Examples of two forms.
If the future shape of the object does not
resemble any of the entities, the creation of a simple solid geometry begins
with the Box, as it has a convenient grid, which clearly identifies each of the
six areas of modeling and, importantly, was originally closed.
In Fig. 3 Getting started.
The second important task is to select the
required number of segments. Clear rules on this subject does not exist,
there should be enough to identify (if possible) overall shape of the object or
the part that we have is basic.
In Fig. 4 Determination of the
approximate number of segments.
In any case, the grid should not be
too sparse or too dense, as in the first case, we do not define the form and
the second - it takes too much time.
In Fig. 5 Choosing the optimal
number of segments.
Step 3: The general form
So, it's time to start working with
the form. To object (NHL) has become an editable grid, select it and
choose from the context menu,Convert to: Convert to Editable Poly.
In Fig. 1 Getting Started with
Edita b le Poly.
From that moment, just modeling -
let's try
edit the shape of our Box-level
points. You can switch between the levels of editing, use the appropriate
icon in the scroll Selection. It is important to note that you can work
with both single and multiple points simultaneously. In Fig. Working with two
At this stage we need to locate a point as to indicate the general shape of the head (base unit). It is convenient to use orthogonal views - because they, unlike the bulk of species, we see the true state of each point, and already known to you the tools Select and Move ,Select and Rotate Select and Uniform Scale.
In Fig. 3 The formation of the
general form of the head.
Using this point when dealing with
the general form of the grid is not required, but it is the most accurate and
convenient way, and do so made. You will see this by trying to work with
other types of subobjects.
Notice how the same operation on different
sub-objects lead to different changes in the grid:
As you can see, rotate or scale of
points is based on a single, averaged over the cente
In the case of polygons and the
edges of each sub-object will be rotated around its axis
In Fig. 4 Select the cutting
Then put the plane appeared at the place where
you want to create a new series of points, and then click Slice in
the same scroll. At the intersections of the cutting plane with the edges
of the grid points will be created, which in turn will be connected by edges.
In Fig. 5 Setting the cutting
* The fact that we create using the
Slice section, means that we are dissecting the entire model at once, a
solid number of edges.
Of course, you may encounter as a
shortage or an excess of subobjects. Deleting subobjects to Editable Poly
in two ways:
- The physical removal of a fragment
of the object with subobjects;
- Removal of the sub grid.
In the first case, pressing the
<Delete> key on your keyboard, you delete the selected sub-objects,
together with the planes (polygons) to which they belong, in other words,
the surface is formed in the hole. The result of such removal for
different types of subobjects will also be different. For example, if we
remove the point which belongs to the four polygons, then all four of the
landfill is also deleted automatically at the same time, we can remove the
ground, without hurting any one point.
In Fig. 6 Example of deleting a
point and polygon.
The second method is applicable only to remove
the points and edges, and its essence lies in the fact that we remove the
sub-objects from the grid, without violating the integrity of the surface. Obviously,
the shape of the object at the same time can vary, for example, some landfills
may merge into one. To delete a subobject or subobjects of the group grid,
first select them and then
use the Remove the roll from the Edit Vertices / Edit
Fig. 7 Removal Tool.
In Fig. 8 The result of the
Removal of the sub grid is on the
following principle:
- The top (point) is removed along
with all the ribs to which it belongs;
- An edge is removed together with
the point if this point belongs only to this edge.
Step 4: Roll
Finally, the head took the necessary form, and
we can begin to create in the upper jaw, for this position ranges in front of
the head in the form of the cross section in the place shown in the figure.
In Fig. 1 Pre-extrusion.
Now select all the polygons that make up this
section and, using the command Extrude (squeezing), a little squeeze
this section forward. Note that using Extrude created a new
section, combined with the previous one, but in our model, the number
of subobjects.
In Fig. 2 Tool extrusion.
In Fig. 3 Result extrusion.
Next <dial form> continue squeezing until
then, until you get the number of sections, sufficient to indicate the general
shape. In the case of an error at this stage is also convenient to
use Slice tools already considered, and Remove.
In Fig. 4 Select the segments.
Watch for a uniform grid, we need to be based on
the level of detail with which the work originally. In other words, the
general form of the density of the grid should be about the same.
Fig. Wrong choice of five segments.
the fact that we are working with a specific object, the above described
approach is applicable to all models, which are clearly visible connection.
In Fig. 6 Example for a complex
An important feature of this
approach is that we add sub-objects, building up the form, not the form itself
(as in the case of Slice). Thus, we do not change our position is
spaced points.
Now place the point of appearing to get an upper
jaw. At this stage, does not require great precision, but the grid
must be organized so that later it was convenient to model the details. For
example, in this case, we need to have a series of points in the field of folds
on the nose of Pluto. Here's what happened in the end:
In Fig. 7 The choice of points.
Similarly, let us create the lower jaw. Note
that the orthogonal modes Top / Bottom (top / bottom) of the upper
jaw prevents us to select and edit the lower jaw. In such cases, sub trehmerschiki
are hiding.