Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Disney Pluto the dog draw in 15 step

Disney Pluto is most favorite character for all specially among children.
There are many ways to create Pluto the dog. Here we discussed easiest way to draw Pluto in 15 steps. 
Things You Need:
  •  Paper and clip board
  • Pencil
  • Colors
  • Marker color
So, How you do start.....
Firstly make these

now add some more lines                  

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Create of the sweep for texture in 3d Max (Lesson# 17)

Introduction to the creation of the sweep for texturing objects

This lesson will begin acquaintance with advanced methods of creating and texturing on 3d objects. In particular, we analyze step by step how to create a scan of an object, then draw it on the basis of texture and put it all on the subject. Well, a very complicated topic, so I decided to do two lessons devoted to her. This is the first of them.

Creating an object texturing

First you need to create an object on which we will apply the texture. The object should be fairly simple, especially not to focus on its creation, as theme of the lesson is different. Therefore, as this object has been selected my home computer. I think for those who faithfully read and complied with all the previous lessons, do not make much effort to do the following steps to create it.
Let's start with the object ChamferBox (Create-> Extended Primitives-> ChamferBox):

NURBS modeling technology in 3d MAX (Lesson #16)

Introduction to NURBS modeling technology

Today I will show another technique of creating models with curves. We begin, as usual, with a little theory, we first consider the NURBS-curves, and then move on to the NURBS-surfaces. Next, try to do with NURBS-curves of some model. Well, in the final part we impose on the objects created by the materials.

Let's start with the theory ...

First decipher the acronym NURBS. NURBS - a Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline or in Russian non-uniform rational B-splines. NURBS-curves have one feature: they always have a smooth shape.In 3d max there are two types of NURBS-curves: P-curves and the CV-curves.
P-curve (point curves) - these curves are defined by the vertices lying directly on the curve. In fact, they are similar to regular splines.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Modeling with mesh smooth in 3d max ( Lesson#15 )

Features modeling with smoothing Mesh Smooth

Sofa and chair
In this lesson we will look at some of the features of modeling in general and, in particular, modeling with the modifier MeshSmooth. In the first part of the tutorial, I'll tell a little bit of the theory of this modifier. In the second (main) part - the theory of practice back it by creating a sofa. In the third part - on the couch impose the appropriate materials.

A bit of theory ...

So, what is MeshSmooth? If you do a lesson about the simulation of a chess knight, then you probably need to remember that this is a modifier that helps smooth out the low poly, angular model and turn it into a beautiful and smoother.
It works like this. Take the low-poly modelka, for simplicity, I'll take the cube:

3D Max surface modifier using ( Lesson#14 )

Creating a surface using Surface modifier

Chrome-plated spoon
Today I will introduce you to an interesting technique based on the formation of surface splines. This method is based on the use of modifier Surface. Despite the apparent simplicity of this method of modeling, in my opinion, it is quite difficult.Therefore, if in the course of the lesson something does not work, be patient and try to achieve a satisfactory result. Surface will be used to parse through the creation of a spoon, but in the end create the material for her chrome-plated metal.

Simulation of a spoon

So, let's begin. Run 3d max and create a spline:

Complex Object like Chess draw in 3d Max ( Lesson#13 )

Creation of complex objects using Editable Poly

Board with chess
In the previous lesson we created with the help of Editable Poly is quite simple, angular objects. However, using Editable Poly (as Editable Mesh), you can do almost any kind of object: technology, buildings, interiors, furniture, animals, landscapes, etc. In my humble opinion, the most difficult to simulate the organic stuff that is animals, people, plants. So the lesson I decided to create something similar.But since the object model must be both simple, I chose to create chess. The special character should be a lesson, chess knight, he combines a rather complex profile of organic substance and sketchiness of chess pieces.
Let's start with the simulation that will make all the simple shapes, at the same time repeat the material covered and learn something new about the arrays (Array). Then proceed to the immediate topic of the lesson - the modeling of the chess knight. In the end we impose on all objects textures and materials. I would also like to say that you should not despair if you have a sudden something does not work. When I first made a model of this complexity, I have nothing at all happened, and I have it and not finish. However, I realized the main thing - using this modeling method can do anything, just need to learn how to use it properly.

How to draw glass material in 3d Max easily (Lesson#12 )

Creating a glass material

In this small article we try to create a glass material. This material is a bit simplistic, but in my humble opinion, looks quite realistic.

Creating the environment

Material Glass has three basic properties. This transparency, reflection and refraction of light. All these properties are difficult to prove without creating at least some environments. Therefore, we start with what does not make a great environment.
If you have had previous lessons, you should have some appropriate objects. This table, fork, plate, glass and bottle. If for some reason you do not have these facilities, you can download them at the end of the lesson or make other similar.
So, create an empty stage, and paste all of these objects.

More work on piano in 3d Max (Lesson #11)

Working with Editable Poly (continued)

The result of lessons - piano

In this lesson we will continue our acquaintance with Editable Poly and complete the creation of a grand piano. Let's create the wheel, keys, pedals and hinges for moving parts. At the end of the lesson and will impose the appropriate materials.

Creation of wheels

Let's start with the manufacture of wheels. To do this one at the bottom of the feet, create a box here:

Piano tutorial in 3d Max ( Lesson #10)

 Working with Editable Poly in 3D Max

The result of lessons - piano

In the last lesson we looked at working with a polygonal mesh, namely, the Editable Mesh . Today we look at another grid - Editable Poly . Learn to work withEditable Poly for example, we will create a grand piano. Royal fairly complex subject and has many different parts, so as in the lesson with a fireplace, I broke it into two parts. In the first part we will create a major part of the piano, while the second part will finish Circuits and impose the fine materials.
So, let's start. Run 3d max, and make this a spline (I hope you have read the lessons, which deals with working with splines, and have not forgotten how to do it):

New simulation of 3d object in 3d Max ( lesson # 9 )

Simulation of 3D objects from drawings

Simulation of the drawings
 This is not a long article describes a method of modeling objects for drawings. Here you will find some features of the preparation of drawings and configuration 3d max.
Let's start perhaps with the fact that we can assume the appropriate drawing.Drawing a picture of the simulated object from multiple angles (the more the better), made in the same scale. In this article we will simulate the Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA's on the drawing:
Drawing T-50 PAK FA
Image resolution is very important, the higher it is, the better.
As you can see, the drawing shows images of the plane from three angles - front, side and top.
Now we need to place these drawings in 3d max. There are two ways you can cut the original image on the three files and paste them individually, but in my opinion a long time and is not effective. Therefore, I usually insert a single image as follows.
Press the M key call the Material Editor, click one of the materials, and then click next to Diffuse
button next to Diffuse
In the window that appears, select the Bitmap:
select the Bitmap
And specify the location where the file with the drawing. Close the Material Editor and create a box with two sides that are proportional to the sides of the image. For example, our design has a resolution 780h570, so we create a box with sides of 78.0 and 57.0, the third party does not matter, so its length can be 1:
Do not deselect the box, once again call the Material Editor, and apply the material to set up boxing by pressing the Assign Material to Selection button and Show Standard Map in Viewport texture mapping enable the viewport:
Assign Material to Selection, and Show Standard Map in Viewport
The result should look something like this:
Fixed drawing
Now you need to make two copies of the box and place them like this:
The establishment of the drawings
Here the most important thing to observe the line of projection, ie such as wings on the front and sides were the same height as the tip of the nose to form the sides and top, too, were in the same plane.
Once the drawings are placed correctly they can push strongly on the axes so as not to interfere with the rotation of the camera around the model:
It may happen that's not such a good thing - in the viewport texture looks disgusting:
Poorly set up a drawing
To correct this cant go to the main menu, Customize → Preferences tab, click the Viewports Configure Driver
In the resulting window, set the settings like this:
Click OK and restart the 3d max. As you can see the result was much better:
After setting up the quality of the drawing has improved
But that's not all, if you do not have the weakest computer display quality can be further improved. To do this, go to the folder C: \ Program Files \ Autodesk \ 3ds Max 2009, locate the file d3dgfx.ini, open with notepad, find the line and put TexSize next to the number 1024 or 2048. Save the file and restart the 3d max. As a result, the texture in the viewport was almost perfect:
The best quality drawings
Now it's time to start modeling, but since the main purpose of article is to show the basic principles of a drawing, not to teach modeling polygonal mesh editing, it will create a low poly model with a small number of parts. A description of the process will not be much reduced, since it is assumed that you have the initial skills of modeling changes in the grid object (ie, at least read this and this tutorial).
As our plane symmetric, then create one half, and then make a copy of the reflected and is compatible both halves together. Finally it should be said that the drawings are nice, but they have not reflected all the information about the geometry of the object, so it is sometimes useful to glance at the photos of the modeled object from different angles.
To begin, create not a big box and place it on the nose of the aircraft proposed:
Start Modeling
 Convert it to Editable Mesh:
Editable Mesh
 Go to edit vertices and move them like this:
Four peaks at the tip of the nose combine pressing Selected. Now select the bottom polygon and Extrude squeeze through it 3 times:
Again, go to edit vertices and place them like this:
Again, merge vertices on the nose of the aircraft. Now go to the top and adjust the vertices on this form, sometimes switch to a view from the perspective to control what happens:
Scroll to the side of the polygon and continue to squeeze out, moving the right top, controlling their position in all planes, focusing on the placement of the various seams and connections of various parts of seats:
It may be useful to make an object semi-transparent:
To do this, press Ctrl + Alt + X, to remove the opacity press this combination again.
C using Chamfer add extra edge to the cockpit
Squeezing the upper ground and not moving a lot, create a top front of the cab:
We continue to squeeze out, at the junction of the wing using the Chamfer add polygons to the wing:
We continue to make the wing:
 Change the position of the selected edges, making the surface more convex and smooth:
Continue to squeeze the wing ranges:
With the tool Chamfer make extra edge to create a tail:
Applying again Chamfer tools make the base for the tail:
Extrude the polygon of the base and get the tail:
Note that the tail is slightly "otopyren":
We continue to make the tail:
Finish the creation of the tail:
Now select the polygons in the seam:
And remove them. Next, select all the vertices in the seam:
Right-click on the tool Select and Non-uniform Scale, the pop-up window
The window Select and Non-uniform Scale
Type in the X value of 0 (because the X-axis is perpendicular to the seam, you may have another field that depends on the placement of the model). This will help dropping all the vertices so that they were in the same plane. Now make a copy of the rugs, reflect and connect the two halves:
We now turn to the creation of engines. For prostate create them as separate objects. Create a cylinder with a diameter of eight faces is approximately equal to the nozzles of engines:
Convert the cylinder to an editable mesh and moving the Line the top of the engine in accordance with the drawing:
Copy and reflect the motor
In order not to stretch the chassis of the lesson, I decided not to do, you can finish them on the analogy of their own. Hopefully, the basic principles of drawing clear in the simulation
The result of the lesson

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