Saturday, July 5, 2014

how to ship online efficiently during world cup 2014

Shipments are a key point in E Commerce  as part of the shopping experience of the customer in the Online Store. No use having the store with the best design, the process simpler and more effective, if later, the client can not receive the product at home, or payment does not arrive in a timely manner, generating tension and uncertainty the buyer.
As important are the shipments Internet a study by Invesp reveals that 44% of shopping carts are abandoned because of shipping costs, which is the main reason for cart abandonment.

How ships operating in the E commerce?

Of course you can go yourself to a post office to ship the product, or if your company already has a logistics solution to make use of it. However, many companies now offer specialized mailing services for Ecommerce.
Through this service, after making a sale on your online store, you contact the courier company and this will happen by your local or tank to find the product and send it to the customer's home. It is simple, comfortable and allows you to stay focused on your business.
To have this service email asking companies that des Register your business with them.
If you use Cloud Store can remember having this service at a promotional price with OCA, UPS and Servientrega.

9 Tips for Shipping Your online store

We share 9 tips that you have to know when thinking about sending your product:

1. Hire a courier company

The first step in thinking about shipments for your online store is to hire a company that has postal service said E commerce. It is also essential that the process of purchasing your store customers can see the cost of shipping the product.
Leave the shipping cost to be agreed later as something can cause the client to feel cheated, because after making the purchase is informed of an additional cost.
Cloud Store is integrated with shipping companies such as OCA, UPS and Correo Argentino in Argentina, Colombia and Correios Servientrega in Brazil. This integration saves you from having to enter the shipping costs of these companies manually.

Two. Offers free shipping

With this option the seller bears the cost of shipping. The feasibility of this strategy will depend on the value of your average ticket. For example, if your average ticket is $ 50 you hardly can bear the cost of shipping and you'd lose money on every sale made. Now if your average ticket is $ 1,000, there is a possibility that you can bear the cost of between $ 30 - $ 60 shipping.
Perhaps you are wondering why you would have to assume that cost, thus reducing your profit on each sale. Remember that 44% of shopping carts are abandoned by shipping costs. Free shipping offer will surely decrease the number of abandoned carts and increase your sales volume by a similar amount. Thus increasing your income and profits.

Three. Offers free shipping after a certain amount

If your average ticket does not allow you offer free shipping on all purchases at your store, you can offer for purchases above a certain amount.
This not only diminish the cart abandonment but also you'll be encouraging your customers to make more purchases.

Four. Offers free shipping for certain areas

There is also the possibility that you can afford the cost of shipping for certain geographic areas for which you know you are assuming the cost.
Feel free to reclaim the cost of shipping for regions where you know you can afford the expense.

Five. Offers free shipping for certain products

If you want to position a product or you can increase your sales motivate your clients to take an interest in him reclaiming the submission. As in the case of the average ticket, you should verify that the value of the product allows you to cover the cost of shipping.
This strategy is ideal to offer a discount to your client without devaluing your product.

6. Withdrawal by local

An easy alternative to implement but is huge potential to offer customers the opportunity to withdraw the product from your local show room or warehouse, saving the cost of shipping.
Many clients prefer to approach the local or ask a friend to pick up your purchase in order to save money.
Moreover, knowing that there is a local will give confidence to the client and, once your client is there, you can offer other products.

7. Provide your customers the ability to keep track of your package

The shipment of the product tends to generate anxiety and expectation in the client. This is understandable considering we paid for it but still do not have it in your hands.
Give your customers a tracking code package will provide transparency and quiet during the wait.
Also decrease the calls and emails you receive asking about shipping status.
Note that the tracking code I'll provide the shipping company at the time of making the same.

8. Thinks locally and globally

Surely when mountains think your online shop in a local shipping solution, ie, that allows you to send products to where are your current customers. However, remember that the Internet is a global marketplace. Fortunately from Cloud Store often have seen materialized SMEs and entrepreneurs who sell from regions where they never thought they could sell and needed to ship your product.
Offer a solution for international shipments as UPS allow you to capitalize such sales.Remember to offer a shipping company does not involve additional cost.

9. Communicate your shipping alternatives

From nothing will have the best shipping solution if your customers are not aware of it. Moreover, users think that your store may have queries regarding shipping before reaching the step of the buying process which shows how much they must pay.
Whatever solution you offer shipment, comunícate on your site on how to buy and / or FAQ for your online store.
Additionally, if you hire a shipping company, show your logo in your store . Should offer some type of free shipping, you can promote it with a banner .
Finally, the package fail stop customer loyalty. Send a coupon inside the package to encourage the customer to buy again. If you have a roadside stand or showroom, also include your contact information such as address and phone number.